If you’re looking for a concise overview of recent changes in the UAE law, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll find information about women’s rights, drug laws, higher education institutions, Indecent assault penalty, and more. You may also be interested in learning about the upcoming changes in the labor law. As a reputed boutique law firm Dubai, we are updated with it.
Women’s Rights
Women’s rights in the UAE are very limited. 80% of the population are low-paid migrant workers, mainly from South Asia. These women have few rights and are abused. Articles in the UAE penal code allow for the prosecution of women who engage in consensual sex or honor-based crimes.
The UAE Constitution guarantees equal rights for both men and women. UAE women enjoy equal access to health care, education, and professional services. Their literacy rate is high, and they enroll in post-secondary institutions in equal numbers.
Drug Laws
If you’re considering a vacation to Dubai, it’s worth learning about the drug laws in the UAE. Although there are very few drug stores in Dubai, it is very important to stay away from illegal drugs. Though many of the penalties are relatively light, they are still very serious. Drug possession is illegal and could land you in jail for up to four years.
Drug laws in Dubai are not as strict as in some other countries, but it’s still best to follow the laws when you’re abroad. Although many countries have relaxed their drug laws in recent years, some still impose stricter laws on the consumption and possession of drugs. For example, in Dubai, it’s illegal to use cannabis in public and take it with you to work.
Higher Education Institutions
Recent and upcoming changes in law in Dubai are aimed at easing the rules regarding marriage and divorce. The new legal framework includes amendments to over 40 laws that aim to promote economic development, enhance social stability, and protect the rights of individuals. However, some provisions are still very restrictive, particularly those that restrict the right to free expression or assembly. Human Rights Watch has analyzed two new laws in particular, and they are deemed to be of concern.
The proposed legal changes were crafted after intensive consultation between the federal and local authorities. Teams comprised of 540 specialists from 50 local and federal authorities worked together for five months to produce the changes. They sought input from over 100 private sector organizations and incorporated global best practices into the new legal provisions.
Indecent Assault Penalty
If you have been charged with an indecent assault, the penalties are severe. The penalties range from a fine of up to Dh10,000 to a five-year prison term. There are many factors to consider when deciding on an indecent assault penalty in Dubai. If you have been accused of the crime, contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately.
Firstly, you should know the definition of an assault. UAE penal code defines assault as an unlawful application of force to another person. The assault does not necessarily involve physical injury but can also involve threats. All assaults are covered under articles 333 to 343 of the penal code. Assault can be intentional, negligent, or self-defense.
Working Week
The recent and upcoming changes to the law in Dubai have a number of implications for the private sector. One of the most significant is the implementation of a new working week. This law will change the workweek from Sunday to Thursday and introduce more flexible working hours. In fact, a private sector employee will be able to complete 40 hours in three days.
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