The buggies are designed in such a way that they can move easily on hard and uneven surfaces. Dune Buggies are very interesting vehicles and are considered the only way to move quickly in the desert. The special thick tires of the dune buggies allow them to easily cross the desert sands without getting stuck or skidding. Dune Buggies are the most luxurious desert adventure people can have in Dubai due to their high engine power, multiple auxiliary gears, and strong body. The time of using dune buggies is 4 hours, which is a very favorable time for tourists to easily travel the entire desert and go on an adventure in Dubai.
Necessary Tools
Flashlight, backpack, charger and converter, external memory for camera, swimming gear, pocket knife, hand sanitizer, and wet wipes, wound sanitizer, zippered bags, guide book, cloth are among the things that you should definitely have on safaris like Dubai.
Sunscreen Cream
It will be very important to observe some things in Dubai Safari. The sun’s rays are a permanent part of this desert and its scorching heat cannot be ignored in any way, and for this reason, you must observe some things so as not to harm your skin. One of these things can be considered to be carrying sunscreen, which must be strong so that it can withstand direct sunlight in a hot and burning desert. It is also recommended for everyone to use a brimmed hat, which will cool you down and prevent direct sunlight.
Also, wearing sunglasses will protect your eyes from fine sand in the air.
Sunset Photography
A fixed leg of every tourist in the desert, photographing and watching the amazing sunset is here, and those of you who are interested will have the opportunity to photograph the sky at sunset, so don’t miss it.
Garden Dos and Don’ts
One of the first and most important points that must be observed on a safari tour anywhere in the world is to pay attention to the recommendations and prohibitions that the group leaders put forward, because not paying attention to these things may cause irreparable problems for you.
Experience Excitement
When you start a trip with a buggy, you should expect interesting events that will bring you a pure experience. The fear and excitement you experience from the speed of movement on the sand dunes and you try to cling to the seat more firmly than the peace you experience from camel riding and the peaceful movement of camels in the sunset. Visit for an amazing desert adventure.

Surfer, self-starter, music blogger, Eames fan and product designer. Making at the intersection of modernism and mathematics to craft experiences both online and in real life. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.